Recent News
11/2024 | Our paper, entitled "Sidelobe Suppression with Low Peak-to-Valley Power Ratio Waveforms in MIMO-OFDM Dual-Function Radar-Communication Systems,"
has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
10/2024 | Our paper, entitled "Hybrid Precoder Design for Angle-of-Departure Estimation with Limited-Resolution Phase Shifters,"
has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Communications.
04/2024 | Our paper, entitled "Robust DOA Estimation with Distorted Sensors,"
has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems.
02/2024 | Huiping was awarded the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowship (named as MSCA Individual Fellowship before 2021), which is within the framework of European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation funding programme. There are a total of 8039 applications submitted for Call 2023, and the success rate is 15.8%.
Huiping achieved a perfect score of 100 out of 100 (the first one ever at Chalmers to get a perfect score), positioning him at the top 1.18% among 1016 proposals in the field of Information Sciences and Engineering. Huiping's MSCA project is titled as "Near-field Enhanced Accuracy Tracking (NEAT) for 6G Networks," hosted by Prof. Henk Wymeersch at Chalmers University of Technology.
12/2023 | Our paper, entitled "Joint DOA Estimation and Distorted Sensor Detection Under Entangled Low-Rank and Row-Sparse Constraints,"
has been accepted for publication in IEEE ICASSP 2024.
10/2023 | Huiping was invited as a visiting scholar to the ELLIIT (Excellence Center at Linköping – Lund in Information Technology)
focus period "6G – forming a better future"
held at Lund University in October and November 2023.
09/2023 | Our paper, entitled "Sparse Array Beamformer Design via ADMM,"
has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing.
08/2023 | Huiping visited Prof. Hing Cheung So's group at City University of Hong Kong,
and Dr. Xiao Peng Li at Shenzhen University.
07/2023 | Huiping visited Prof. Bin Liao's group at Shenzhen University,
Prof. Feng Yin's group at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen campus),
Prof. Qi Liu's group at South China University of Technology,
and Prof. Liang Yu's group at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
03/2023 | Our paper, entitled "Sparse Array Design for Dual-Function Radar-Communications System,"
has been accepted for publication in IEEE Communications Letters.
02/2023 | Our paper, entitled "Convergence Analysis of Consensus-ADMM for General QCQP,"
has been accepted for publication in Signal Processing (Elsevier).
01/2023 | Our paper, entitled "Low-Rank and Row-Sparse Decomposition for Joint DOA Estimation and Distorted Sensor Detection,"
has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems.
01/2023 | Huiping joined the CROSSNET team headed by Prof. Henk Wymeersch
at Chalmers University of Technology, as a postdoctoral researcher.
01/2023 | Huiping successfully defended his doctoral thesis. His thesis can be found in this link.
07/2022 ~ 08/2022 | Huiping visited the SPARC group headed by Prof. Bhavani Shankar
at the University of Luxembourg, as a visiting Ph.D. student.
06/2022 | Our paper, entitled "Sparse Array Beamformer Design via ADMM,"
has been published in IEEE SAM 2022.
02/2022 | Our paper, entitled "Off-Grid Direction-of-Arrival Estimation Using Second-Order Taylor Approximation,"
has been accepted for publication in Signal Processing (Elsevier).
06/2021 | Our paper, entitled "Low-Rank and Sparse Decomposition for Joint DOA Estimation and Contaminated Sensors Detection with Sparsely Contaminated Arrays,"
has been published in IEEE ICASSP 2021.
06/2020 | Our paper, entitled "A Compressive Sensing Approach for Single-Snapshot Adaptive Beamforming,"
has been published in IEEE SAM 2020.
05/2020 | Our paper, entitled "Extended Cyclic Coordinate Descent for Robust Row-Sparse Signal Reconstruction in the Presence of Outliers,"
has been published in IEEE ICASSP 2020.